Monday, July 21, 2008


Dear Joan,

It is late night here at the European Southern Observatory in Garching
bei Munich, Germany where I continue to pursue the plans for a pair of
30 meter class telescopes.

I am glad I was able to put Larry Barr in touch with you and wanted very
much to echo his message. I began my professional career at KPNO as a
Grad Student from Harvard in the summer of 1968 and learned a great deal
from your former husband as my career progressed through development of
instruments for the McMath Solar Telescope and the Mayall 4 - meter. He
also participated in the design of the instrument I flew in the
supersonic Concorde to chase the Solar eclipse of June, 1973 across the
Sahara - he would have loved to fly that airplane. He, along with Paul
Swigart in the machine shop (I still carry a whet stone he gave me)
taught me much of what I have carried through my career.

On October 8 I will attend the launch of an instrument I have helped
develop by the Space Shuttle to the Hubble Space Telescope and I will
take some time to reflect upon and honor Larry.

My sincerest condolences.


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